Growing Up & Moving Out

I have never been one for expression or writing, but for quite sometime my sister and I have been pondering the idea of beginning a blog.  My biggest reservation about this whole idea from the start has been what we each would write about. However as of late I have realized that all of the “what ifs” in life were stopping me from being spontaneous. I have always been the worrying type, but figured at some point I should just allow myself to go with the flow.  And what better time than now?!

I am going into my fourth year university, I am in that funny twenty something stage in life where I am still not sure who I am or what I want, yet still know where I came from and who I want to be.

This week is a year in our household, my sister who has experienced a little more of her twenty something’s has moved out for the first time, which is exciting, yet scary (for both of us!) When I was much younger I dreamed of a world in which I was an only child, and now faced with the prospects of actually becoming an only child I am conflicted. I am happy for her, I am excited for all of us to begin this new chapter, but I feel like this is the first really grown up thing we have faced and it just means there are so many more things much like it we will be facing soon. Yes many years ago I may have dreamed of a world without her, but now I cannot picture my life without her.

We may have spent much of our youth picking on each other, stealing each others clothes and beating each other up, heck we still do all of that. However in the last five years we have become even closer, the relationship I have with her is like no other in my life. I feel I am a lucky lady to have such a close family, and I know that will never change no matter how near or far apart we live, luckily she has moved pretty close to home (apartment and location approved by yours truly.) With all of that being said we thought maybe it was time to stop talking about starting a blogs and actually do it, so here I am ready to begin, between the two of us we have about… zero writing and blogging experience but I guess that is just part of this whole adventure. It is something we can learn together, something we can share in, and of course hopefully it is something we can be proud of.

– M

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