Voicemails & Proud Moments

Yesterday was a day I was proud of beyond many I have had in my life. I survived what was to be my hardest semester, what were to be my toughest courses, and what became my most strenuous two weeks. I may not have done it with a ton of grace, or all kinds of dignity, but I did it. Yesterday I passed in my final marketing strategies paper, and I don’t think I ever felt more relieved.

I am not yet done my degree, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel, two arts electives stand between my degree and I. These courses I know will be a challenge for me, and I am looking forward to it. However I must admit when I finished my paper and submitted it yesterday I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders, I felt accomplished, and I felt proud.

Me being proud of myself is one thing, but I was shocked, I received a few voicemails and text messages from close friends, as well as from some unexpected people, and it really warmed my heart, and made the moment even sweeter. I know how cheesy that truly sounds but honestly that is how I felt, it was something so simple to do, and most did not even realize how much it meant to me. From people telling me to go enjoy a beer, and have a great day, to others telling me to take over the world.

I always knew I would do the whole university thing, I always new I would finish university, and enjoy every minute… or at least most minutes. It is just weird to think it is all coming to an end, and I really don’t know where I am going to end up next. It is nice to know I can finish what I start, and even nicer to know how many people believe in me.

No matter what is next, no matter the accomplishments, no matter the challenge, no matter the moment I have all the right people in my corner, and they are the people that keep me going, the people that make me want to be better.