Karmin – Brokenhearted

Everyone sure has guilty pleasures, and vices. I certainly have my own. One of my biggest I can credit to my sister, and that would be insistently watching videos on YouTube. My favourite videos have been some of the more music oriented videos. I have been a huge fan and follower of Karmin Covers. I have watched and shared many of their videos over the last year. In February they played on SNL and I instantly went to iTunes to get myself a copy of Brokenhearted. I have had it in constant rotation on my playlists ever since. I play this song about as much as ever other female in the world seems to be playing Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. I heard it on the radio station in my city for the first time about a week or so ago, and I am looking forward to hearing it a whole lot more.

Do You Need a Laugh?

This video made my day when I stumbled upon it this weekend. There is nothing cuter than a baby laughing, and there is nothing funnier than watching a dog catch bubbles.

It just the right amount of puppy dog, and the perfect portion of baby laugh, all adding up to give you the laugh or smile you are so desperately in need of.

Have a good day & ENJOY!! : )